Scott Hall, room 216, 2711 Founders Drive Raleigh, NC, 27607
If you face D.H.Library from Hillsborough Street/Founders Dr, Scott Hall building is on the right of the library, just behind the campus bus stop.
The closest parking lot is across the Hillsborough Street next to the roundabout near the Scot Hall.
Rozliczenie obiadu gwiazdkowego
Dyskusja o Ostatkach
Następna Happy Hour
Wiosenny piknik (data, lokalizacja)
Dyskusja nad obchodami 75 lecia Institut of Design i połączenie z Nowicki historia (web site, Foundation, exhibit)
1) Summary of PAC Christmas Dinner Balance
Total Balance: $342.52 including $283.00 income from Lottery
Income from Membership (not included in Balance): $230.00
2) PAC Mardi Grass Party
Tentative for Feb 19 (Sunday) at Sophie's Bar & Grill. No reservation needed.
Monika Pietron will check availability and interest. Stay tuned for more information. If interested, contact Monika
3) Next PAC Happy Hours
Tentative date Januray 27th. Jowita Mikolajczyk will pickup the place. Stay tuned for more information. If interested, contact Jowita
4) PAC Majówka/Mayday Party
Tentative days May 7th or May 21st. Jadwiga Zerda will check Kiwanis shelter availability for these days. Stay tuned for more information.
5) Initiative to create an Endowment at NCSU in honor of Macie Nowicki (polish architect, creator of Dorton Arena in Raleigh)
All Participants voted in support of the endowment that will be created by Polish American Club Initiative. Survey provided to PAC members so far came back with 100% positive responses (survey is open until February 20th)
Action Items:
A. Mark Fountain to contact Polish Ambassador about his interest and support and to ensure his presence at the 75 anniversary of School of Design NCSU on April 22nd, where Nowicki was the first department head
B. Mark Fountain to contact Nowicki Family to gain their interest and support
C. Mariola Kopcinski to make sure that all necessary documents are signed by February 21st
D. Wanda Urbanski to organize call for Mariola Kopcinski to discuss ppt presentation and Nowicki day on April 22nd (done)
E. Hanna Gracz to coordinate digitalization of the documents about Mark Nowicki, Mark Fountain, Piotr Gucwa and Adam Grygoruk to support her
F. Hanna Gracz and Mariola Kopcinski to prepare 10-12 slides about Maciej Nowicki, outline of write up for the NCSU newsletter and outline of the text for the legacy page
G. Wanda Urbanski to review the above and provide to School of Design by beginning of March, to have it all published on March 16th
H. Wanda Urbanski to work with NCSU to gain chancellor invitation for Polish ambassador for Maciej Nowicki Day on April 22nd
I. Wanda Urbanski to follow up on table purchase for the event (need to know how many people will come from the family and embassy)
6. Next PAC Meeting
Proposed 22nd or 23rd of February
Participated: Hanna Gracz, Malgorzta Federkiewicz, Mark Fountain, Mariola & Peter Kopcinski, Jane Robins, Malgorzata Seaman, Krzysztof Florek, Urszula Urbanski, Monika Pietron, Jadwiga Zerda