Please attend additional Polish American Club Zoom Meeting
Day: Sunday March 12
Time: 7:00 PM
Link to Zoom Meeting: Zoom
1.Nowicki Endowment
2.New Years Eve
Meeting Minutes
Meeting was hold by Zoom to reduce time commitment of the Board and members
Focus of the meeting was on the discussion of Nowicki Endowment detailed preparations. Following areas were addressed:
Seed money from the club ($20K from PAC Club and $11.6K from Club members) was deposited to the NCSU College of Design Maciej Nowicki Polish Architecture and Design Endowment. We are very close to the required minimum $50K funds in NC for the endowment to make it evergreen (going forever) and more effort will be done in the future with the members, Polish embassy, Nowicki family and others to grow to that level------ Hanna Gracz and Wanda Urbanski
Page about Maciej Nowicki and link to all information and ways of donating money to the Endowment is in the process of preparations and should be finished within next week or so ---Piotr Gucwa responsible
Planned visit of Polish Deputy Ambassador on April 21st and 22nd and preparations to that visit were discussed in details. Mariola Kopcinski and her husband agreed to chaperon deputy ambassador for two days. Wanda Urbanski worked with prof. Burak Erdim, from NCSU College of Design, to create very interesting program including visit to the NCSU library, Dorton Arena, Raleigh and RTP area. Monika Pietron agreed to prepare program with Polish School children to present to Deputy Ambassador
As Deputy Ambassador is planning to have presentation about Political situation in Europe in light of war in Ukraine, PAC is planning to have dinner on April 21st at 6.00 pm at NCSU, details about location will be provided shortly. All members are asked to participate and sign up for the food which they are planning to bring, preferred traditional polish dishes, but any type will be welcomed. Signup sheet for dishes will be provided shortly. Strong presence of the PAC community is very much desired to show support to the Polish Embassy.
College of Design 75 years events and planned announcement about Maciej Nowicki day during that dinner were discussed. PAC purchased VIP table for that day to ensure that our Honorary Consul, Deputy Ambassador and members who each donated $1000 to the endowment can participate in the event but any member who wants to be part of the dinner can purchase ticket for $75 each. Link to purchase dinner will be provided on the Maciej Nowicki page shortly
Fall 2024 Maciej Nowicki and Polish Architecture Exhibit and Conference
NCSU agreed to organize together with PAC Maciej Nowicki and Polish Architecture and Design in Gregg’s (NCSU) museum temporary exhibit and permanent digital exhibit (for digital exhibit NCSU has almost all materials already digitalized)
Prof. Burak Erdim proposed conference with key scientists in the Polish architecture to overlap with the opening of the exhibit
Nowicki Family proposed to come to Raleigh at that time and participate in the exhibit opening and conference to combine it with the family events
Prof. Burak Erdim, who will be responsible for the future decisions on the recipients of the awards from the endowment, is planning to write a book about Maciej Nowicki and also to work with Warsaw Polytechnic to strengthen links of Polish architecture with NCSU projects
Board agreed with NCSU to meet after April 22nd to discuss all preparations needed for Exhibit and Conference
Future full PAC club meetings:
April 21st, 6.00pm---dinner with Deputy Ambassador, NCSU, sign up sheet and details about location to be provided shortly
June 4th----Majowka (Spring picnic, more details will come in the future)