We are seeking candidates for the position of Acting Vice-President of the Polish American Club (PAC)
As many of you know our President Jan Krzysztof Teller resigned from his position in Fall 2017.
Until the general election in the Fall of 2018:
Stephanie Hurt, our Vice President, is now acting President of the Polish American Club of Triangle (PAC), thus we are seeking candidates to fill in the position of
Acting Vice- President of PAC.
Please nominate yourself or someone by sending email to PAC: polam.raleigh@gmail.com
Please state the name of the candidate with short paragraph of the candidate bio (in English).
If you nominate someone (not yourself), please make sure that the candidate has agreed to run for the position before you send the email.
The due date for sending nominations is March 10, 2018
Then, we will announce all candidates and schedule PAC meeting to hold the election (most probably March 20th).
Please note:
According to our by-laws, the candidates and all who will vote must be PAC Members in good standing (it means that he/she must pay 2018 club dues prior to the voting).
Ewa Potyra
PAC Secretary