We are having very important Polish American Club (PAC) Meeting on March 20th to elect the Club's acting Vice President.
All are invited, but based on our Club Constitution only PAC Members in good standing (dues paid for 2018) can vote. You can pay your dues online or at the meeting.
- Vote for Acting Vice-President - See *Candidates for Acting Vice President* below.
- Plan Club Activities for 2018
- Other Club Items
WHEN: Tuesday, March 20, 7-9 PM
WHERE: NCSU -Main Campus facing Hillsborough Street
2711 Founders Dr, Raleigh, NC 27695
216 Scott Hall (just across from D.H.Hill Library)
Directions: https://maps.ncsu.edu/#/buildings/sc
Scott Hall is facing Hillsborough Street next to D.H.Library on North Campus.
Entrance from outside staircase facing library along Hillsborough street
Main door will be closed.
Please use stairs to go down to open patio and keep going towards open staircase on left site. Follow steps to room 216
*Candidates for Acting Vice President* (in alphabetical order)
Mariola Kopcinski
Current: Director Scientific Alliances Plant Health Care in Raleigh.Dr.
Mariola Kopcinski worked in the US and Europe in research, strategic marketing, business management, new business development and licensing.
Currently leading efforts for development and licensing of biological peptides, plant elicitors, at Plant Health Care, AgBiological and Biostimulants start up company.
Member of Credentials Advisory Council, Sustainability Institute at AICHE, Chairman of Sustainability Body of Knowledge Team for AICHE certification and CSTP, member of IFS Managing Board.
Ph.D. and M.S. in plant pathology and biochemistry in Seed Biocontrol, post-doctoral from Cornell University in biocontrol, MBA in finance from the University of Rochester.
Ewa Maletz
Most of the members already know me for I had been a member for more then 10 years and was actively working for the club.
I have a M.S. in Psychology and I already know the bylaw of the club.
I cannot wait to be a part of the board of the PAC which promotes Polish Culture in North Carolina.
I am eager to help allow the club to reach it's full potential.
Quorum: 10% Members in good standing (dues paid for 2018) + 3 Board members must be present
PAC Team