Polish American Club (PAC) General Meeting to elect the New Board for 2019/2020
WHEN: Thursday, December 6, 6:30-8:30 PM
WHERE: NCSU - Main Campus facing Hillsborough Street, 216 Scott Hall
Directions: Scott Hall, 2711 Founders Dr, Raleigh, NC 27695
216 Scott Hall (is on the right of the D.H.Hill Library on North Campus)
Same place we held election of the Vice President in the Spring.
If you face D.H.Library from Hillsborough Street/Founders Dr, Scott Hall building is on the right of the library. Front entry is closed at this time of the day. Please use stairs to go down to open patio and then turn right going towards open staircase on side of the Scott Hall building. Follow stairs up to room 216
Candidates for the New Board of the Polish American Club
PRESIDENT: Mariola Kopcinski (current Vice President of the Club)
VICE PRESIDENT: Piotr Kralka (Club President from few years ago)
TREASURER: Jadwiga Zerda (current Treasurer of the Club)
All are invited, but based on our Club Constitution only PAC Members in good standing (dues paid for 2018) can vote.
If you are not sure about your member status, please send email to polam.raleigh@gmail.com .
Otherwise, you can pay your dues online or at the meeting.
See Membership site on our website: http://www.polamrtp.com/membership/
Please do not mail your membership check since it might not reach us in time.
You must attend the meeting to vote - no Proxies will be accepted.
See our club Constitution: http://www.polamrtp.com/our-mission/
Quorum: 10% Members in good standing (dues paid for 2018) + 3 Board members must be present
Ewa Potyra - PAC Secretary