Welcome to the Polish American Club Zoom Meeting: Wednesday March 3th, 6:30PM
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Presentation about healthy foods " Make every bite count" by our guest speaker Jennifer Zerda
Jen earned BS in Chemical Engineering and then MS in Health & Wellness.
Presentation + QA should last ~30min
PAC Meeting will follow the presentation:
Review Meeting Notes from 01/06/2021 PAC Meeting:
2021-01-06-pac-zoom-meetingClub donating to the individuals and other charitable organization - review research results of the Club Constitution and IRS Classification which is 501(c)(4).
What we can and cannot do.Treasurer Report; Dues are Due
Topic for next meeting: Wednesday, May 5th 6:30PM
Open discussion .
Meeting Minutes:
Jennifer Zerda’s presentation "Make every bite count" had a lot of useful information about healthy eating. The presentation is available here: Make Every Bite Count
Minutes from 01/06/2021 PAC Meeting were reviewed and approved.
Club donations and spending money were discussed. We don’t see problems with donating to individuals and organizations as long as all spending is documented.
The Club approved a $500 donation to Zbigniew Beduch who had a leg amputation. He is a truck driver and lives in RTP. The health problems put him and his family in a difficult situation. His GoFundme page is here https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-zibi-recover
Treasurer Report was presented by Jadwiga Żerda
Next meeting is planned on Wednesday, May 5th 6:30PM - Hanka Gracz will ask Mark Fountain if he would like to prepare a presentation.
Hanka Gracz proposed to name PAC scholarship - Frank Bolda scholarship. Frank was one of the founders of our club and a long time active member. More information about Frank is available here: http://www.polamrtp.com/announcements/2020/4/13/frank-bolda