We are seeking candidates for a new board of the Polish American Club (PAC) for 2022/2023: President, Vice-President, Secretary & Treasurer
If you would like to nominate someone, please send email to either: polam.raleigh@gmail.com or to anyone from the Nominating Committee (below).
Hanna Gracz - hanka.gracz@gmail.com
Włodek Wiktor - stefan_wiktor@yahoo.com
Jadwiga Zerda - jzerda1@yahoo.com
In the email, please give us the following information about the candidate:
First and last name, email and/or phone number
The office he/she will run for
Short paragraph of the candidate agenda
Before sending the email please make sure that the candidate has agreed to run for the position.
The due date for sending nominations is Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Then, we will announce all candidates and schedule PAC meeting to hold the election (tentative date is Wednesday Dec 8, 2021; time and place TBD).
Please note:
According to our by-laws, the candidates and all who vote must be PAC Members in good standing. It means that he/she must pay 2021 club dues prior to the voting.
See our Club Constitution (especially paragraph V): Club Constitution — POLISH-AMERICAN CLUB OF THE TRIANGLE